2009年3月21日 星期六

3/12 MKT: The research process

MKT 3/10

We start the topic of how to do the research. To research a market, we always do the exploratory and secondary research to get a basic understanding. The primary research is used to solve the problem that we can not find out in the secondary research.

We can get information for secondary research from the industry publishings or annual report of competitors. In the primary research, we can also use the questioner to help us know what customer want.

However, we should consider the correction of the data. Sometime the data are based on different meaning. Not all the secondary data are trustful and need to be used carefully.


2009年3月20日 星期五

3/19 MKT

Team project:

Before the class, I went to Flushing to do a deeper research with our main competitor, the MetLife. I tried to talk with one senior manager. I pretend my father has a CD $50,000 is matured and asked for some suggestion. He did give a very useful suggestion about the money and the total financial planning for my father.

However, I noticed that he put more attention to know how many money my father has. I believe this can be a great different with our target customers.

We will have a little survey with the Asia people in Flushing this weekend. We will try to survey in front of the Queen's library in Flushing with Charles and Wen.

In a team, the power and politics

As we discuss so much about playing game, I am thinking if politics is one great part of leadership. This means if you can not play well, you will be hard to lead a team smoothly. However, if everyone in a team with the same goal or project play game with others, will they do a good job?

RE: Neither right nor wrong...it's just something that we ALL do

I believe the difference coming from how close you and the person. Take as an example, we feel proud for your members' success, we envy the success to people we do not like, and become indifferent to people we do not know. The relationship between you and the guy decides your feeling about the success or failure.

OB reply

I agree with you. The truth is a manager can not be professional in all the part. One survey I know is the higher position the manager is, the more time are spent in management other people. In this case, a manager does not work as an attorney or an accountant who only need to be professional in their tasks but need to manage lots of time they are not familiar with.

2009年3月19日 星期四

I agree that your boss can fake he or she is competent.

I agree that your boss can fake he or she is competent. I believe the leader need to fake in different situations to make something happen. Take as an example, the self-confidence is nothing but a confidence to yourself. The leader can even not give any goods or benefits but make other people believe he can lead. However, this personal property makes he become the manager and get more $$ than you!

But I just wonder, in the other side, how the boss's boss consider if he or she is competent? Does the boss' boss believe he makes a good job to lead the team well? My point is if the leader probably fakes and you believe he is a boob, how can you become a better leader than he and get the trust of your boss's boss.

2009年3月18日 星期三

"A good plan, executed now, is better than a perfect plan next week."

"A good plan, executed now, is better than a perfect plan next week."

I like this one because you can never make a perfect plan. Although we always have alternative, we need to consider the resource and limitation. One's perfect plan could be the worst for other people or even the whole organization.
What we should be is to find out one good plan, solve, and correct the error. This is better than staying in the original place to discuss the problem.

However, in the other hand, if the plan is for a long term project such as a 5-10 years construction for the organization, comparing the time last, we should have longer time to discuss. Therefore, to plan for the good plan or perfect plan is compared to the importance of the project.

2009年3月17日 星期二

Can you fake competency?

Any interesting article appeared in time about your boss and can they "fake" competency or is it that if you sound convincing...you are?


Thank you to Anastasia for raising this question.
1. always fake competency
2. learning
I believe people always fake competency when they get a new chance. When people have a interview, they will alway fake you are competency. This is also the same to a leader. A boss without leadership or experience to run a team will not tell others the weakness and incompetence about his new task or position. They just do their best to work through it and get the experience to become a true leader or professional.

However, The only thing to be concern is how fast he or she can learn the professional or skill. If the people always do something wrong or make mistake. Some one should let he or she know.

Good bosses understand what their employees want to tell them but will not weaken his self-confidence but they try to find the best way out.

2009年3月15日 星期日

這世界。狗屁倒灶。: 你說你心情不好。 - yam天空部落

這世界。狗屁倒灶。: 你說你心情不好。 - yam天空部落

你說,寧可將所有時間耗在深夜無人的辦公室,也不願回家感受滿屋子的寂寥,你說,孤單的滋味像是無糖的Duble Espresso,苦澀得連心都像滿杯的咖啡,既苦又黑。

我說,親愛的,滿室寂寥的底下藏著自由的味道,不如就將孤寂的厚墊掀開,釋放屬於自我的快活,你可以上上網、看看書,一個人的泡麵一樣美味,一個人的電影仍然精采,一個人的房間還是快樂的國度。你可以翹起二郎腿悠哉的修剪鼻毛而不用在意形象,你可以把Eminem的音樂開到最Hight,對著鏡子 Battleb而不會惹來另一半的白眼,你可以一口氣讀完整套的Harry Potter 而不擔心有人打擾,你可以在孤寂的屋子裡擁有一個人的快樂,單身的孤寂,是許多成天打轉在柴米油鹽的夫妻所嚮往的,而你此刻幸運的握著它。


還是框住窗戶的那一片牆,僅是你的辦公桌或是Note book,以及一份,不薄不厚,剛剛好用到月底見空的薪水袋?







MKT 3/10 3/12 3/14



You are in your organization and you know something is wrong...what do you do...

Here is scenario 1....you know that the wife of a co-worker is improperly recording transactions (she rounds to the nearest $100). The result is that she and the company both gain because she makes commissions and the company gains because the client will never notice the small amounts. Your co-worker is extreme honest and you know he does not know.

- Do you tell him; Do you tell compliance; Do you do nothing; Do you tell your boss; what do you do?

Here is scenario 2...you over hear a young person who is working in your department talking about her new relationship. She is clearly engaging in very unsafe behavior. She is "smart" person who is just doing not smart things. What do you do?

If she is the daughter of your best friend, does that impact your "professional" decision?

If she is the daughter of your boss and you know that if you tell him, your bonus will be impacted and if you don't and he finds out that you knew and didn't tell him, your bonus will also be impacted, does that change the response?
1. Scenario 1. In the first scenario, I will try to tell my boss privately. However, I will run a high risk to lose my job. I need to get enough information and evidence before I do this.

Why I need to run such a high risk? I believe that is about the reputation of our company. But this is also depended on the relationship of I and the organization or co-workers. If I feel sick about this place, I will never say anything about this.

2. Scenario 2.
I will never talk about this. In my personal opinion, you will more or less hurt the relationship. The girl choose that relationship and probably suffer from this soon or later. That is she and her family's business.

[OB2]Is it wrong, right. or it just is?

Is it wrong to be happy at someone else's misfortune? So, I am watching the Bernie Medoff sentencing and afterward people are coming out of the courtroom cheering. I read about Brooke Palin's separation from her child's father and people were saying, she got what she deserved. I listen to people say, they hope the President fails and they look forward to the day he does.

How does the "fact" that people are happy when someone else fails impact organizations?
1. point out this is human nature
2. when the people have the same background -->

Topic:Schadenfreude! Making me feel glad that I'm not you.

I believe that is just the dark side of human nature to laugh at people's pain.
When I saw this topic, I can not help but remember the Avenue Q, one of my best recommended Broadway show. You can first plus the link below to see the song I will talk if you never hear about this!

On the song 'Schadenfreude!', what GARY COLEMAN says does touch me very much.

1. Sorry, Nicky, human nature- Nothing I can do! It's Schadenfreude! Making me feel glad that I'm not you.
2. People taking pleasure in your pain!
3. The world needs people like you and me who've been knocked around by fate.
'Cause when people see us, they don't want to be us, and that makes them feel great.

When we have no connection with the people, such as Medoff and Palin, we do not want to give them our empathy. In general, we are indifferent or just feel fun of their pain. However, there is no good for people in the same boat to only laugh at others misfortune. We actually should consider more than just the 'human nature'.

Broadway show Version
Disney(Lion King)/Avenue Q Version


A true story....this week a Consultant who was hired to give 360 feedback to my boss met with me and she asked..."How does Jon (name changed) deal with woman and the fact that they are more emotional then men?" I was taken a back by the question and responded that "Jon does not like emotions in men or in women; he likes that they do what it takes to control them. If I displayed emotions or if Peg (name changed) displayed emotions, his reaction would be the same; he would feel awkward and uncomfortable."

My question for you to discuss (and comment on each others postings) is, is there a place for emotions at work?

1. should have emotion
2. display the positive emotion
3. give negative emotion carefully
4. example need to consider the relation and hierarchy in organization
We all have the positive and negative emotion. In general, we should display the positive emotion to let other people feel more comfortable to work with, even a leader. Actually, it shocks me when the professor said 'the leader should usually display the emotion' because it is quite different from my though but I do agree his opinion now. A leader should not build a border to scare his/her employees.

The second part is the negative emotion! I feel we should consider the situation to use this negative. Negative emotions, such as angry, irony word, or even gossip, are the knife facing to others and yourself.

Take an example, when you yell to a senior or your boss, there is no good for anything but crash the relationship and trust. Therefore, we should carefully use this as a tool although we are not so perfect to make this.

