2008年10月31日 星期五

《暗淡藍點:對未來人類身處於太空的目光》(Pale Blue Dot: A Vision of the Human Future in Space)


「 我們成功地(從外太空)拍到這張照片,細心再看,你會看見一個小點。就是這裡,就是我們的家,就是我們。在這點上有所有你愛的人、你認識的人、你聽過的人、曾經存在過的人在活著他們各自的生命。集合了一切的歡喜與苦難、上千種被確信的宗教、意識形態以及經濟學說,所有獵人和搶劫者、英雄和懦夫、各種文化的創造者與毀滅者、皇帝與侍臣、相戀中的年輕愛侶、有前途的兒童、父母、發明家和探險家、教授道德的老師、貪污的政客、大明星、至高無上的領袖、人類歷史上的聖人與罪人,通通都住在這裡——―一粒懸浮在陽光下的微塵。


2008年10月24日 星期五


嘻笑中和她約了一起去Fat Cat的時間
11/7 8那時候
感覺還好久喔 畢竟現在事10/25而以耶

很期待說 有種一起做某件事情的開心


somebody loved -- the weepies

Somebody Loved 被爱的人

Rain turns the sand into mud 雨将沙子变成泥土
Wind turns the trees into bone 风把树变成枯枝
Stars turning high up above 星星变得高高在上
You turn me into somebody loved 你把我变成被爱的人

Nights when the heat had gone out 当热气消散的夜里
We danced together alone 只有我们两个人独自跳舞
Cold turned our breath into clouds 寒冷把呼吸变成云朵
We never said what we were dreaming of 我们从来也不说我们想要的
But you turned me into somebody loved 但是你把我变成被爱的人

Someday when we're old and worn 有一天我们会衰老
Like two softened shoes 像两只软软的鞋
I will wonder on how I was born 我将会想知道我是如何出生的
The night I first ran away from you 夜从你身边溜走

Now my feet turn the corner back home 现在我转过拐角就回到了家
Sun turns the evening to rose 太阳把傍晚染成玫瑰色
Stars turning high up above 星星变的高高在上
You turn me into somebody loved 是你,把我变成被爱的人


你會急著想和他說 是因為你真的喜歡
還是因為你寂寞 急著想要找一個人陪伴?

如果是後者 不如就免了吧



別人的選擇 以及如何面對自己

想起過去怎麼下的決定 怎麼會走到這一步

景氣的不好 個人的孤單
面對著王棟的質疑 我也跟著著急

否定 生氣 討價還價 難過沮喪 接受


2008年10月22日 星期三



能不能給自己一年的時間 做自己真的想做的事情
不要一直卡在沒有女朋友 想要有人陪伴的這個迴圈裡面
能不能自己有自信一點 做自己想要做的事情
但是那是甚麼 我也沒有個準了


Love like you have never been hurt, and dance like no one’s watching

For a long time it seemed to me that life was about to begin , real life. But, there was always some obsacle in the way, something to be gotten through first, some unfinnished business, time still to be served or a debt to be paid. Then life would begin. At last it dawned on me that there is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way. So treasure every moment that you have and treasure it more because you share it with someone special, someone special enough to spend your time with. Make the most of your time. Don’t waste too much of your time studying, working, or stressing about something that seems important. Do what you want to do to be happy but also do what you can to make the people you care about happy. Remember that time waits for no one. So stop waiting until you take your last test, until you finnish school, until you go back to school, until you have the perfect body, the perfect car, or whatever other perfect thing you desire.
Stop waiting until the weekend, when you can party or let loose, until summer, spring, fall or winter, until you find the right person and get married, until you die, until your born again, to decide that there is no better time than right now to be happy.
Happiness is a journey, not a destination.
So work like you don’t need the money,
Love like you have never been hurt, and dance like no one’s watching.
Happiness Is A Journey - By Father Alfred D'Souza